Dustbin of history

Dustbin of history
Updated 25 January 2013

Dustbin of history

Dustbin of history

Cycling fans have recently been witness to such unpleasant scenes that they had never imagined of. It is impossible to quantify the time they defended their heroes in the face of mounting evidence, which suggested the otherwise.
They now only hope that the honest and clean riders, who have suffered enormously from ill treatment from Lance Armstrong and others, really are the heroes and not the cheats.
I still wonder whether there was some sort of fee for Armstrong to appear on Oprah Winfrey show! Who cares about the cheat Armstrong, his relationship with drugs or any other of his shabby experiences? He should be consigned to the dustbin of history where he really belongs, along with the other garbage, rather than be given prime time television coverage.
I enjoyed reading the fitting front-page banner headline carried by The Vancouver Sun; “Liar, liar Lance on fire!”. —S.H. Moulana, Riyadh