Foolish act vs angry crowd

Foolish act vs angry crowd
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Foolish act vs angry crowd
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Updated 16 September 2012

Foolish act vs angry crowd

Foolish act vs angry crowd

It’s not even a movie! What is it then?
It is just a group of foolish camera shots, taken to a hostile (aggressive) level by adding some sound to it! Who would have ever guessed that such thing could lead to all the madness of the youth crowded in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Sudan? Even in Syria, quite a good crowd found time to protest against this foolish product!
To be honest, things can get even worse! Especially if we consider that most Arab Spring countries are suffering of internal security issues. The case is as easy as this: who has the time to control such huge angry crowds when every new government is busy protecting its existence? Let alone that this crowd can get even bigger and bigger by the day! Isn’t it terrifying to see the Qaidah flag raised here and there? Who is ready now, in the Arab world, to claim willingness to face such a danger?! Is the authority of law in the USA capable of questioning such a discrimination and violence against religions? An answer here can be of some relief!
Is dialogue a solution at this level?
It is so hard to tell! This answer is based on a previous experience with the rage caused by Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard’s similar approach! They call it ‘freedom of speech,’ while the raging crowd calls it insult of sacredness!

(The writer is Chairman, Saudi Cartoon & Animation Society)
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