I have just received feedback from doctors across the Gulf on obesity and its effects on health. Obesity is always a sign of health problems to come, many of them acute. We all want to be healthy and enjoy life so I have set down the golden rules of healthy eating that I have learned through 15 years of running a slimming club for you. Remember it is never too late to improve your health.
While there are clinical causes for weight gain, for the majority of us it is due to over-eating and a lack of exercise. But with education it is preventable. According to consumer surveys in the Gulf, the main causes of weight gain are:
Over-large portion sizes
Large amounts of oil in cooking
Availability of cheap fast food around the clock
Snacking on unhealthy snacks
Carbonated or fizzy drinks and colas
Lack of physical activity
Start with positive steps. Do not think, “I must lose weight”, that can be felt as a negative statement to the brain. Say, “I am going to be slim, fit and healthy” and more toward your ideal weight step by step by making small gradual changes.
First three steps:
Keep an eye on portion size.
Always say no to seconds.
Be physically active. Start your day with exercise.
My Golden Rules for good health, weight control:
Be kind to your body it is your best friend, give it time to lose weight.
Drink a glass of hot water and lemon first thing in the morning.
Make water your main drink of the day. Drink eight — 10 glasses of water daily, more during summer.
Limit tea and coffee. Decide on a number if you must have a warm drink try fruit teas.
Gradually cut out sugar from tea and coffee. (1-heaped teaspoon equals 25 calories)
See sodas and fizzy drinks and colas as occasional treats not an everyday habit, cut down or avoid them.
Always eat a healthy breakfast.
Eat fruit and vegetables every day.
Eat three meals a day. One main meal and two small meals.
Gradually limit snacks per day start with four and move to three snacks per day two healthy snacks and one treat. For example: Fruit or a small handful of nuts.
Simple food is best. A colorful plate of food is a healthy plate of food.
Cut down on fat by not frying food, grill or bake.
Take a daily good quality multivitamin.
Save cakes for celebrations and then really enjoy them.
Try to stop eating before you feel too full.
Eat meals together as a family.
Choose low fat options: Low fat yogurt, semi skimmed milk, low fat ice cream, etc.,
Use less oil: Approximately 120 calories per tablespoon.
Prepare your own meals.
Limit fast food and take-a ways to a once per week treat.
Allow sweets as a Friday treat or once a week treat.
Reduce salty snacks. Reduce your salt and sodium intake — don’t sprinkle salt on your food and avoid salty snacks.
The good news is that the usual rules of healthy eating do not apply to Eid and celebrations. Festivals and celebrations are times to enjoy. Have a little of everything but key an eye on portion size.
Mantras may help
Some will say they have no control. To help them it might be good idea is to have a personal mantra to say whenever you are tempted to eat something you don’t need to eat. (When you are offered a chocolate or some cake, say your mantra to yourself). It will help you to have self-control and it will also give you a good feeling rather than feeling deprived or sad. Try these:
Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels
I only eat healthy food.
I only eat when I feel hungry.
I can say no to food and feel good.
A moment on the lips means a lifetime on the hips.
I don’t need comfort food.
I am not hungry so I will feel guilty if I eat this!
You don’t have to say this out loud. Just say it to yourself. It will give you the confidence to say NO to food you don’t need.
Exercise is key to but that is a topic for another day!
Ask Alva
I eat a chocolate bar every day after work. If I then go for an evening walk will that cancel the calories off my chocolate bar?
— Katie
Good thinking, but low intensity walking only burns 230 calories per hour so you can only have a small bar of chocolate.
— Alva