Killing in cold blood

The incident triggered anger among Jordanians who took to the streets in hundreds and marched toward the Israeli Embassy where they clashed with the Jordanian police before they were dispersed.
According to eyewitnesses, the Jordanian was about to board a bus when an Israeli soldier pushed him violently dropping him to the floor. In a natural reaction, the judge stood up to the soldier and pushed him back.
Regardless, this new behavior adds another episode to the series of Israeli brutality in the occupied territories and their arrogant treatment of Arabs crossing to the other side.
Israel signed a peace deal with Jordan in 1994, yet they continue to treat visitors to the occupied lands with absolute arrogance and humiliation.
Amman asked Israel to immediately investigate the incident. However, the results, as expected, blamed the victim claiming that the soldiers acted in self defense after the “judge” tried to attack the soldier.
The incident has brought back the memories of the case of Ahmad Dagamseh, who is currently serving a life sentence for opening fire at a group of Israeli schoolgirls near the border on March 13, 1997, killing seven and injuring six.
Israel will never apologize for the incident, that’s for sure, as its Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, said that the soldier acted after he feared for his life.
Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour is under pressure from the angry public and some Parliament members who have given him few days to take action. The MPs are demanding expulsion of the Israeli ambassador from Amman and the recall of Jordan’s ambassador from Teel Aviv.
They are also insisting that Dagamseh be released in response to the judge’s killing.
The government might find itself in a tight situation where it could face a vote of confidence in the house.
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