JEDDAH: An event — which featured a quiz game — held at a university campus illustrated how to introduce girls to safe driving before they take to the wheel for the first time.
The day-long event, called Car Academy 2018, was held at Jeddah’s College of Advertising, the third and most recent college to be established at the University of Business and Technology.
Khalid Al-Shohaib, a professor who lectures in advertising and communication at the college, told Arab News: “The event aims to make girls aware of all safety rules because, as you know, they will be driving soon.
“It is also for ladies to experience how to manage cars, not only as car, but as a whole engine from inside to outside.”
It proved popular with both sexes and it drew a large audience of males and females who want to know more about cars.
One of the sessions was a quiz game in which women students were tested on their technical knowledge of cars and highway safety.
A lecture on how to keep safe on the road was given by traffic department officers who covered car maintenance and spare parts.
Two female students, Ragdad Al-Rajhi and Bashaier Al-Maiman, presented their graduation project, a campaign to introduce driving essentials to women. Al-Rajhi told Arab News: “Our project aims to introduce cars to women from A to Z, including all the spare parts and safety rules.”
Saleh Al-Takrouri, JCA general subjects supervisor, told Arab News: “Students always work on advertising campaigns, including awareness projects about driving and safety while driving. Many projects were presented to well-known companies such as Uber to get them applied on the real world.”
Edutainment shows how to teach Saudi women about driving safety
Edutainment shows how to teach Saudi women about driving safety