JEDDAH, 11 March — The anti-beggary department in Jeddah has arrested 442 beggars of various nationalities in less than a week, according to Saad Al-Shahrani, director of the department.
The beggars included 16 Saudi adults and 28 children.
Speaking to Arab News, Shahrani said that many of the beggars were held while selling products at traffic signs, petrol stations and shopping centers. The Saudis represented only three percent of the total, while overstayers who entered the Kingdom on Haj visas were the majority.
He disclosed the department’s plan to intensify raids on beggars in the coming days and said the coordination between various government departments would help the government contain this social problem.
“Beggars cause a lot of embarrassment to families at recreation centers, as well as to drivers waiting at traffic lights,” he commented.
Shahrani said the arrested foreigners will be transferred to the deportation center to be sent back to their respective countries.
“With regard to children, their fathers are called to give written undertakings that they will not allow them to beg again,” he said, adding that the fathers will also be fined.
The Saudi beggars will be sent to sociologists at the Labor Office who will study their social and financial condition. They will be enlightened on the negative effect of beggary and the punishment imposed by the government.
The Labor and Social Affairs Ministry’s agency for social affairs will pay assistance to the deserving among the Saudi beggars, he said. The young among them will be sent to the Labor Office so they can find suitable jobs.