We received with optimism news of the appointment of Dr. Ghazi Al-Gosaibi to head the newly created Ministry of Water. Our optimism, however, was tempered by a sense of concern over how the minister would tackle a chronic problem.
We agree that Al-Gosaibi was highly successful as an administrator when he held various public offices, including railway director as well as minister of industry and electricity and also health. His success was nevertheless associated with the fact that the key to developing those sectors was found here on earth while that of solving the water problem is found in heaven.
Until recently, the rule was having rain with drought being the exception. Unfortunately, this has now changed and it rarely rains these days while spells of drought become more common. Some believe desalination is the practical and final solution to the problem of water scarcity. But this solution involves huge sums of money needed for the operation and maintenance of water conversion facilities. As if this were not enough, our excessive unrestrained use of water is another problem that has so far defied all attempts to solve. Wells are being dug without specific rules governing the practice while over-irrigated farms are being built; both practices worsen the problem. The ultimate result is more desertification which keeps threatening our life and environment.
Based on the above, we should find an excuse for Dr. Al-Gosaibi who should not be allowed to bear more than he can afford to. These factors should be taken into consideration when judging a man who played no role whatsoever in the creation of the problem he now has to deal with. Facing the water crisis is the joint responsibility of the state and citizens and overcoming it needs joint efforts by all of us. When we begin selling water as a commodity such as electricity and phone services, it will greatly help reduce waste and force every one to limit unnecessary consumption.