The saber rattlings of George Bush and his neoconservatives have taken off to another round. This time it is Iran and their nuclear program. Whilst American boys are being felled down and killed periodically in Iraq, there still exists more appetite for further conquests.
And what better way than to drum up the same old scenario of threat to the domestic well being of America and all Americans?
It worked against Afghanistan and Iraq, and Bush figures it’s going to work again in Iran.
Employing the doctrine of “if you can fool them once, and then twice, you can fool them all the time” this coalition of aggression has been busily painting another world-threatening state of affairs.
Not content with the reported and obscene personal profits they have realized from their grand Iraqi adventure, this gang is now actively promoting a picture of Iran as an immediate threat to the existence of mankind. The merry men are being dispatched to all corners of the globe to gather support for their cause, actively trying to build a sham of a coalition of nations against Iran.
And there is another undeclared reason for all this alarm. Israel, the one nation in the region that has been universally recognized as a bigger threat with its huge inventory of weapons of mass destruction feels threatened. It wants no one else to share the nuclear stage with itself.
It’s no secret that Israel possesses enough nuclear arms to destroy the entire Middle East. Mordechai Vanunnu, the nuclear technician who first brought Israel’s nuclear program to the attention of the world saw to that.
And to silence him from saying anything further, the Israeli government abducted and subsequently jailed him for 18 years. Following his release Vanunnu still faces severe restrictions on his right to move freely and to communicate with others.
But Bush cannot bring that up now in his speeches, now could he? It would expose the deceptive practices his administration has so successfully made the American public believe. Iraq was no real threat to the United States and neither was Afghanistan. But the adventure in Iraq was motivated in part by greed and in a greater part by the ranting of the acknowledged war criminal Ariel Sharon to pacify the Zionist lobby in US politics.
With George Bush’s administration brimming with Zionist sympathizers and their racist doctrine, it comes as no surprise the lives of ordinary American soldiers are being meaninglessly thrown to wind in part to preserve Israel’s criminal pursuit of ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation, and divert attention away from Israel’s nuclear program.
As long as they can get their constituents to focus on Iran, all should be well.
Heck, for that matter, the international community has been impotent in bringing about a nuclear free Middle East, as they privately acknowledge that Israel would not allow inspection of their nuclear facilities by the UN inspectors or anyone else.
The Israelis have met censures on Israel’s nuclear and territorial expansionist activities in the past with thorough disdain. And the countless UN Security Council resolutions that Israel has openly ignored are too numerous to tally.
But yet, US foreign policy continues in its hypocrisy of selling any country perceived as a challenge to Israel as one whose intentions are to target and strike US soil. Has America indeed been Israelized? While Iran’s president has openly been vocal on his disdain for Israel as a pariah among nations, it has been Israel all along who has been energetically carrying out the atrocities against the rightful inhabitants of the land.
The people of this region are not naïve enough to believe in George Bush’s call for alarm.
They weren’t fooled during the Iraq adventure, nor will they be fooled this time around.
The question remains whether Bush’s constituents will fall for this one!