DAMMAM, 21 April 2007 — A recent study released by the Health Ministry stated that 85 percent of school pupils across the Kingdom suffer from tooth decay and that the problem is a growing and widespread one.
In response to this, the Social Development Committee in Dammam has launched a campaign to teach students how to take good care of their teeth. The campaign, entitled “Protect Your Teeth,” is hoping to target a total of 50,000 schoolchildren of both genders and has been organized with the cooperation of the ministries of health and education.
Ibrahim Al-Musallam, a member of the Social Development Committee, said, “The campaign started trial sessions with some students and is now to start officially within the coming days. This project aims to increase awareness among students. Specialists show students how to use their toothbrushes properly and how to take good care of their teeth.”
He also said that that students tend to practically apply what they have learned in front of doctors.
“This campaign is the first of its kind. It uses both the theoretical and practical methods and targets pupils of both sexes,” he added. As part of the campaign pupils will also be taken from their schools to clinics for general checks.
Dr. Tariq Abdul Lateef, medical manager of Ahalina Clinics, said the campaign is being conducted to provide pupils with information and to teach them how to take care of their teeth. He added that the campaign would reduce the fear and anxiety that children experience when visiting dentists.