The 14th of August is much more than an anniversary for the people of Pakistan. It not only marks the end of foreign rule it commemorates the founding of an independent state created by Muslims through their aspirations and cherished ideology.
Today we not only have to thank Almighty Allah for providing us with a homeland but also express our gratitude to Him for providing a selfless and dedicated leader like Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who transformed the concept of Allama Dr. Mohammad Iqbal into reality.
While we celebrate the Independence Day we must never forget that this day comes round every year to remind us of the countless trials and sacrifices that preceded the creation of Pakistan. These memories should serve to strengthen our resolve to protect the homeland with all the strength at our command.
By the grace of Almighty Allah Pakistan has made great progress since independence, though I believe the successes would have been greater had we sincerely followed the motto of Unity, Faith and Discipline. We need to look seriously at our failures, ponder upon the causes and find solutions for the future.
It has been the privilege of our government to frame and follow policies that have helped to usher in a new era of progress and economic prosperity for the nation.
I would like to assure my countrymen that we shall continue to further promote the democratic order as well. We are endeavoring to stabilize, a democratic culture, in which Pakistan takes precedence over everything else in the minds of the people — a culture in which politics should become another name for service of the nation.
In the recent past some elements attempted to disrupt the peace and social values of the society by encouraging waywardness. Some conspiracies were unearthed to involve our dear homeland in terrorism. We will not tolerate this at any cost and would face the situation with courage and vigilance. Insha Allah! we shall not rest content till we have completely wiped out this cancer so that Pakistan becomes a haven of peace and security.
We are determined to see the noble qualities of patriotism, piety, truth, personal integrity, tolerance and healthy competition prevail in all walks of life. This has to be a continuous process in which both the people and the government will have to play an effective role so that the coming generations should grow up to be good Muslims and good Pakistanis.
I am very pleased to wish every Pakistani a Happy Independence Day and pray to Almighty Allah to bless you all with true contentment in your lives, Ameen
Shaukat Aziz
Prime Minister
Islamic Republic of Pakistan