As time unfolds during the first summer month of Barack Obama's presidency, some very startling and surprising concerns are beginning to surface. Firstly, I must state that this man is a very articulate speaker, a level-headed thinker with an outstanding legal mind and the stamina of a racehorse! Unfortunately, if the moment ever arises where it becomes evident to many that you've actually sold-out to the dark side (powerful evil-doers) that have now got you dancing from their strings, then even the brightest of golden boys will find the magnetism of their charisma viciously implode like stepping on a trapdoor!
It is now well known public knowledge that a handful of some current and past members of both the US Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs were fully aware (and well in advance) of an impending financial crisis that would occur, should the use of CDS's (Credit Default Swaps) be permitted to continue trading as unregulated instruments.
Yet they greatly discounted the situation and chose to look the other way. Given the qualities of President Obama which I earlier mentioned, he cannot expect us to approve of his latest financial scheme to not only expand the powers of the Federal Reserve, but give them carte blanche in overseeing the US financial markets as chief regulator and police dog.
It is in this case, that thee audacity of his hope comes without an ounce of sincerity, but rather the fact that he has now bared to all that he is nothing more than a man dancing from their strings. Any reaction to this from the Anti-Defamation League will be out-of-bounds on this one! This stark revelation must have Hillary Clinton just shaking her head as we all stop in wonderment and gaze at the caliber of a US president get reduced to the stature of a community organizer.
One might go so far as to call this, "the day that hope died!"