There is no doubt there will be many challenges for us in 2011 with the financial world in turmoil and many of the world’s top economies facing difficult times.
We need to be flexible, creative and dynamic to succeed in these challenging times. But even in difficult times there will also be many opportunities; so we must make sure we are healthy and up for the challenge. As Winston Churchill said, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
When life is challenging it is important to first take care of yourself and your health as it is your real treasure. Taking care of yourself is not your last priority but you’re first. And if you get into a healthy routine everything will be taken care of without you noticing.
You can improve your health and well-being by making small gradual changes. Taking care of yourself does not mean dieting but a positive focus on your health. You can do this by making gradual changes until you find that you are in a healthy, good routine. Getting into a healthy routine is the key to having a healthy body and a healthy life. All change starts with you. If you need to make changes in 2011 you are going to have to do it yourself; many people can give you expertise and advice but in the end it is down to just you.
Whatever you decide is a good way to start to lose weight, recognize that it is not easy to change the habits of a lifetime and that it will take time and planning and only you can decide what will work for your body.
I am a great believer in New Year’s resolutions, and in the start of year being a time for a fresh new start. I make a list in my new diary of what I want to achieve each year.
Start by planning your day on paper. Writing your decisions down is a good way of imprinting your decisions on your brain. Decide what you will eat for each of three meals in your day and allow for two small snacks as well. This way you have meals to look forward to in your day. Planning is an intelligent way to eat.
Take steps towards eating a healthy diet. Learn about healthy eating by sending of for my healthy eating plan [email protected].
Take regular exercise in the fresh air and enjoy nature. Exercise releases happy endorphins that relieve stress. Walk for ten minutes each morning.
Play with your children and really be there and enjoy their games, and sense of fun and joy. It is not OK to answer the phone when you are in the middle of reading your child a story.
Don’t let stressful situations get to you. If you are stuck in a traffic jam and late for a meeting, then relax with your favorite music. Difficult situations come and go like the clouds passing over head.
Give up unhealthy habits that damage your health, like smoking and caffeine.
Try to organize 10 quiet minutes to yourself each day.
I am a mother of two and I am breastfeeding my second son who is 8 months. I do not want to diet as I am breast-feeding and often feel hungry. I do need to lose some extra kilos? Could you suggest a few exercises, which I can do at home?
I think you are being very sensible .You are naturally hungry these days because you are feeding your baby and probably tired as well. When you are tired your body tells you to eat more for energy.
This is what I suggest you do while you are still breast-feeding:
Make sure you drink at least 2½ liters of water and eat a balanced diet for your health and the baby's.
Try to exercise at home every morning for 10 minutes. Start with stretching and then exercise each part of the body, including sit-ups or stomach crunches and waist exercises. Finish by jogging on the spot. Start with 2 minutes and build up to 10 minutes. Swimming is also very good for you, and there is no reason why you should not swim while you are breast-feeding. You can e-mail me for my full 10-minute mini-morning workout at [email protected]. I would also recommend an evening walk with your children to get fresh air and as part of your children’s routine.