JEDDAH: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry will intensify its campaign against illegal business (tasattur) as it eats into the country’s economy and obstructs Saudi investment in various business sectors, Tariq bin Abdullah Al-Naeem, deputy minister for internal trade, has said.
“The ministry is in the process of following international standards in organizing and classifying trade activities. It is also building a databank for business activities across the Kingdom,” he said, adding that the new measures would be implemented within a few days.
Al-Naeem emphasized on the ministry’s efforts to create more investment opportunities for Saudis by intensifying its campaign against illegal businesses run by expatriates.
The minister made this statement while addressing businessmen and businesswomen at Al-Ahsa Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “Tasattur leads to expats’ monopolizing certain business activities, thus preventing Saudis from investing,” he pointed out.
He also spoke about the negative impact of tasattur on the economy and society. “It increases unemployment among Saudis and creates social and security problems,” he said, calling upon citizens to cooperate with the ministry to end tasattur.
Al-Naeem referred to the ministry’s plan to launch a new trade strategy, adding that a specialized consultancy firm has been appointed for the purpose. “We are in the process of revising 30 trade-related laws matching new developments.” Hailing the ministry’s electronic services, he said it was instrumental in extending quick services to businesses.
The ministry has established electronic linkage between notaries and all its branches.
Ministry to intensify campaign against illegal businesses
Ministry to intensify campaign against illegal businesses