Showing results for "Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh"

Body launched to care for the AIDS-hit

  • JEDDAH: The first official society to care for AIDS patients was launched on Tuesday night....

The menace of terrorism

  • THE assassination attempt last month on Prince Muhammad bin Naif, assistant minister of interior for security affairs, shows that the roots of terrorism are still strong and have gripped our society. What are the reasons for the spread of this problem? Why does the problem surface now and then in...

Lashing in the 21st century

  • I AM fully aware that the penalty of lashing is a very sensitive issue for most people. Nevertheless, as one who seeks to uphold the law every day and who has great respect for Islam and loyalty to my country, I am compelled to speak because the image of Saudi Arabia was profoundly affected...

Fatwas and danger to society

  • WHAT is happening in our country is terrifying. The rising incidence of fatwas (religious edicts) is extremely frightening. Fatwas that demand the murder of persons who are alleged to violate Islamic laws are extremely dangerous and destabilizing to a tolerant, civilized society. These demands...

The challenge of religious speech in the kingdom

  • NOWADAYS, or at any point in the near future, the Saudi religious institution is expected to face a big challenge: Whether to continue with its usual solemnity and prestige gained over the past decades or to lose much of its former credibility, acceptance and influence over Saudi citizens. This...

Old Pakistani TV dramas an Eid tradition for some expats

  • Considered by many to be the products of the golden age of Pakistani television, these close-to-reality yet fictional quality dramas dealt with many family and social issues. For some Indian and Pakistani expatriates, they recall earlier days before easy access to television programming when...

What if the Arabs had recognized Israel in 1948?

  • Now, the Palestinians are on their own; each Arab country is busy with its own crisis and has put the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on hold....

Let’s stop blaming America

  • I AM a proud and loyal Saudi citizen, but I am tired of hearing constant criticism from most Arabs of everything the United States does in its relations with other countries and how it responds to global crises. No nation is perfect, and certainly America has made its share of mistakes such as...

It’s time to abolish the lashing penalty

  • I REALIZE that this is another very sensitive subject, but I would like to make an important point in order to dispel any confusion or misunderstanding. When I discuss a matter having religious implications, I do not mean to criticize the divine Islamic religion itself nor the positive...

The progression of women in GCC countries: The road to empowerment

  • Although the journey along the road to the empowerment of women in the Gulf region has sometimes been slow, it is now surely under way, through forward steps of positive reforms, as more female voices are being heard. These voices reflect the motivation, determination and ambition of all those...
