Showing results for "Shoura Council"

Widening cracks in US-Israeli relations

  • It wasn’t so long ago that Washington and Tel Aviv had each other’s back unconditionally. While it’s true that there’s always been behind-closed-doors disagreements, but spats were rarely publicized. At one time the relationship was considered almost sacrosanct. Israel was, arguably, America’s...

Where are the Syrians?

  • Call me old — fashioned, but I can’t help feeling that when a country’s future is being discussed those directly impacted should have a place at the table, nay at the head of the table. Instead, this ancient Arab heartland is being treated like a plaything by foreign powers.No Syrian, whether...

When reality beggars belief

  • Over the past year, the seemingly impossible has occurred. Firstly, the region reeled at the occupation of huge swathes of Iraqi and Syrian territory by the so-called “Islamic State,” which began life as a small group of disgruntled Iraqi remnants of the Saddam era partnered with anti-government...

What international community!

  • The Middle East is torn by conflicts and terrorism. Essential food aid has been summarily cut to Syrian refugees subsisting in camps on Jordan’s soil, leaving families to starve because the UN refugee agency has run out of money. If the international community, so called, isn’t willing or able to...

West throws Syrians to the wolves

  • Syria's devastation is yet another example of the evils of foreign interference in a nation’s internal affairs. A popular “Arab Spring” uprising morphed into a bloody civil war due to Bashar Assad’s arrogance who disingenuously termed the opposition “criminals,” “terrorists” and “foreign...

Waking up to reality

  • Families fall out with each other all the time, but very often the ties of blood prevail. On the occasions they don’t, it’s a “lose-lose situation” for all. The same could be said for the spat between certain Gulf Cooperation Council states (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain) and...

US-Iran talks, the only viable way forward

  • A report published in Saturday’s New York Times reveals that the US and Iran “have agreed in principle for the first time on one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program” as “a last-ditch diplomatic effort to avert a military strike on Iran. The Obama...

US, Israeli elections could bode ill for Palestinians

  • As each year passes Palestinian hopes are being dampened, nay strangled. Whatever peace process there was has long been dead and buried due to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s obstinacy and President Obama’s unwillingness to force his hand on Jewish settlement creep. As of now, Palestinians on the West...

US shielding a rogue state

  • On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama not to “second-guess” him on how Hamas should be treated. At the same time, US Secretary of State John Kerry is being vilified in the Israeli media for mishandling his role as an intermediary, prompting strong...

Upsurge in nationalism does not bode well for world order

  • The factors that brought Western nations together under the US umbrella forged international institutions designed to achieve unity of purpose and preserve shared liberal democratic values to prevent another devastating world war. But many of those alliances and institutions are today being und...
