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- It's a pity that less than a thousand Egyptian demonstrators have succeeded in causing a diplomatic fallout between two cornerstones of the Arab world. They were threatening and should have been kept far away from the Saudi Embassy in Cairo by security forces that have a legal duty to protect...
- On Saturday and Sunday, Egyptians lodged their ballots to choose their new president. Only 15-20 percent bothered to use their vote. Once again, the moderates have shot themselves in the foot. Preliminary counts put chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party as the front...
- The build-up to Sunday’s announcement as to the winner of the presidential elections was a televised cliffhanger that kept me glued to the screen. Like a substantial proportion of the Egyptian electorate, I had been tentatively rooting for Ahmed Shafiq as the most experienced candidate who...
- When it comes to judging Egypt’s recently sworn-in new leader Muhammad Mursi, we should avoid attaching labels or succumbing to knee-jerk perceptions. The Muslim Brotherhood, from which the new president is drawn, is not a religious or political monolith and it already appears that...
- The question is this. Why is a centrist US administration stuffed with liberals courting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the country’s new president?...
- BASHAR Assad has crossed too many red lines to be part of any transition to democracy. The once reformist eye doctor, who early in his presidency pledged to open up and modernize his country, has become a monstrous example of how power can corrupt and distort a seemingly ordinary individual&rsquo...
- At sunset on Sunday, masked RPG-wielding gunmen traveling in two armored vehicles, thought to have been seized from a military checkpoint close to Rafah, attacked and killed 16 Egyptian guards close to the border between Gaza and Israel, wounding seven. Egyptian state television described the...
- OVER the last week, Egypt’s new President Muhammad Mursi, drawn from the Muslim Brotherhood, has shown beyond a shadow of doubt that he’s no lame duck, even though he took office as a leader without a job description in light of the country’s yet-to-be drawn constitution. A...
- Iran must be exposed by the international community as the premier terrorist support state that it is, and everything should be done to prevent Iran, the world’s most dangerous regime, from developing the world’s most dangerous weapons,” says Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who,...
- FEW would dispute that Syria’s Al-Assad regime has to go; it’s crossed too many red lines soaked in innocent blood to be a credible leadership — and just about everyone from all sides of the political spectrum want the killing to stop. Likewise, the governments of almost all...
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