Showing results for "homaidan al-turki"

Bin Laden’s ghost continues to haunt

  • It's one year since Osama Bin Laden was killed in a Hollywood style operation in the picturesque town of Abbotabad. His shadow still hangs over Pakistan and Afghanistan and the West’s decade-long war though. The man is dead; his oppressive legacy lives on.The first anniversary of Abbotabad...

Egypt holds the key to Middle East

  • THESE are the best of times and the worst of times, as Dickens would put it, in the Middle East. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was lord of all he surveyed until last year. As America’s closest ally and friend after Israel and protector of US geopolitical interests, his power flowed far beyond the...

Death, disappearance and despair in India

  • One of the many blessings of globalization has been the increasing state contempt for basic rights, rule of law and the so-called due process. In post 9/11 times, anyone can be picked up from anywhere, tortured and quietly eliminated and nobody, including the victim, would have the faintest idea...

The Islamists and Western blinkers

  • There has been such a deluge of coverage of Egypt upheavals over the past few days that anything more on the issue risks provoking yawns and groans from my distinguished readers. In our tedium though, it’s hard to ignore the history being made and enacted right before our eyes. We are...

Timbuktu: With defenders of faith like these...

  • If it were possible for Islam to sue anyone for defamation and constant assaults on its image, many of its so-called followers would perpetually find themselves in the dock. All the combined efforts of the enemies of the faith may not have visited as much damage on its pristine image as caused by...

Who really poses a threat to the world peace?

  • I wonder what people did for fun before the United Nations came into being. With each passing year, the annual General Assembly ritual appears to become more bizarre. The Western media interest in the proceedings of the UN, however, remains superficial despite the world body being headquartered...

Who really poses a threat to the world peace?

  • I wonder what people did for fun before the United Nations came into being. With each passing year, the annual General Assembly ritual appears to become more bizarre. The Western media interest in the proceedings of the UN, however, remains superficial despite the world body being headquartered...

Obama remains the best choice for US voters

  • WHAT’S it about US presidential polls that one finds so fascinating? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that America is the sole superpower with military might and overarching political and economic clout never enjoyed by any empire in history. Even Britain which famously ruled...

Attack on Malala: A turning point for Pakistan

  • IN the lives of individuals as well as nations sometimes seemingly small, inconsequential incidents can set off profound, watershed changes. Has that turning point arrived for Pakistan? As a well wisher of the country and as someone who has with the rest of the Muslim world watched with grave...

Muslims need to choose their battles carefully

  • Sometime back in these columns I had argued that if Islam were to sue for libel, many of its followers would find themselves in the dock. No faith has suffered as much as it has at the hands of its own overzealous followers. Bernard Shaw got it about right when he suggested that Islam is the best...
