Showing results for "homaidan al-turki"

Tensions on the rise in Horn of Africa

  • The Horn of Africa, encompassing Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti and parts of Sudan, remains one of the most geopolitically turbulent regions in the world. Due to its strategic location near the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, it draws the attention of regional and international powers alike...

Who can lead Sudan out of its crisis?

  • The coexistence of the SAF and RSF within Sudan’s political landscape seems increasingly untenable. As the Sudanese people endure relentless bombing, destruction and displacement, the prospect of a peace agreement or ceasefire appears increasingly remote. Sudan, a nation with a complex hist...

Ominous signs point to Israeli resettlement of Gaza

  • Observers of the unfolding events in Gaza require little effort to discern that Israel is effectively working toward resettlement in the region, even if this objective remains officially unspoken. Discussions on this topic may be confined to the corridors of the Israeli government, or discreetl...

Al-Qaeda, Daesh keeping their distance from Gaza war

  • As Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip rages on, notably absent from the conflict are the notorious extremist groups Al-Qaeda and Daesh. These organizations, historically vocal and active in conflicts involving Islamic nations such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, have remained unusually silent, part...

Why do some Arabs now see the Sykes-Picot Agreement as a solution?

  • For decades after the First World War, the Sykes-Picot Agreement symbolized the division and fragmentation of the Arab world by Western colonial powers. Signed in secret in 1916 by Britain and France, this agreement divided Ottoman Arab lands into areas of influence, establishing the borders of...

Egypt’s key role in ending the civil war in Sudan

  • Efforts by Egypt to address the conflict in Sudan between the regular army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces may eventually bear fruit and end a civil war that has lasted almost a year and a half. However, questions arise as to why, despite these efforts, there have been no tangible res...

Can Egypt succeed in Sudan where others have failed?

  • In efforts to address the Sudanese crisis, there is a consensus that the only viable solution lies in an immediate ceasefire, a return to the negotiating table and the initiation of a political process. This call for action resonates among Sudanese citizens, the African Union, which previousl...

Egypt’s concerns regarding the potential storming of Rafah

  • The threat of a possible Israeli military action targeting Rafah, a city adjacent to the Egyptian border, not only puts approximately 1 million displaced Palestinians at risk but also poses a danger to Egypt itself. Cairo has repeatedly voiced its opposition to this Israeli measure, highlighti...

Sudan in danger of becoming a new Rwanda

  • In the early 1990s, Rwanda witnessed a brutal civil war that resulted in the loss of approximately 800,000 lives. This tragic conflict unfolded between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes, with the Rwandan armed forces, representing the government, pitted against the rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front. The af...

Egypt’s military presence in Libya is not an intervention

  • Egypt consistently extends assistance to neighboring countries in times of hardship and refrains from exploiting their situations for personal gain, even if such exploitation could yield benefits. When Hurricane Daniel struck the northeastern coast of Libya, causing extensive destruction in t...
