Al-Jazira Capital, a wholly owned subsidiary of Al-Jazira Capital and the investment arm of Bank Al-Jazira, has been awarded the ‘Best Investment Company in the Kingdom for 2012’ by World Finance.
This award is in recognition of Al-Jazira Capital’s continued top-ranking dominance within the brokerage business in the Saudi Arabian market, along with its successful ventures in leading and developing Shariah-based products through its range of integrated services and investment products that have achieved great success.
It also implements the latest in technology brokerage platform for local, regional and international markets.
Al-Jazira Capital Managing Director and CEO Ziad Aba Alkahil said: “We are very pleased to receive this award and are very proud of our long legacy in the Investment banking industry. This award will serve as a means for further recognition and long-term commitment to success.”
The CEO added: “We remain dedicated to producing new and innovative financial solutions for our clients who we believe are behind our core success. We therefore consider them as our partners and will strive to extend our best when delivering our unique and well diversified asset and portfolio management services.”
Al-Jazira Capital is the continuation of a long success story in the Saudi stock market.
Having been the market leaders for several years, it aims to maintain the same position.
Al-Jazira Capital is expanding its brokerage capabilities to offer further value-added services across MENA and International markets, as well as offering a full suite of security business services.
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Al-Jazira Capital named best investment company
Al-Jazira Capital named best investment company