In a 10-day solo exhibition, the innovative sculptures of Faisal Numan, a Saudi artist from Al-Jouf, are drawing the attention and hearts of people in Jeddah.
The exhibition opened at Dama Art Gallery on Wednesday.
“Faisal has a unique talent and his work need no explanation,” said Ahmed Hussain Al-Ghamdi, manager of Dama Art Gallery. “This is the first time his work is on display. When people see his work they will never forget him. He is an asset to our country. His thoughts reflect through his work, giving us a clear picture of his feelings and mind. This sets him apart from other artists.”
More than 20 sculptures represented different stages of life. Among the pieces that most visitors liked, was a sculpture in the shape of a mother with her baby and a portrait of a mother protecting her child.
Numan said he worked with different types of stones. He taught himself how to do this, without any help or proper training.
“I started sculpting with wood and over time I tried many other materials. Five years ago I discovered working with stone. I felt this was what I had been looking for all along. The sculpture I like most is ‘Mother with a baby on her lap’,” said Numan.
Working with stone fascinated Numan to such an extent that he tends to forget all that surrounds him. “My work has become the essence of my life. Working with stone is very hard and different. I enjoy it so much that it has become my day and night.
Once I start to work on something, I forget everything else. Just creating a shape out of this hard material is what matters most. I can hear the voice of the stone as I give it a shape,” said Numan.
Saudi sculpture artist Nabil Tahir said there is a lot of talent in Saudi Arabia, and it just needs to be promoted. “I am really happy that we have such talented people. Numan’s work is exceptional.
I would like to request businessmen to take care of Saudi artists as they are a national treasure,” he said.
Al-Jouf sculptures capture Jeddawi hearts and minds
Al-Jouf sculptures capture Jeddawi hearts and minds