Carrier expands Saudi trade links

Carrier expands Saudi trade links
Updated 10 September 2012

Carrier expands Saudi trade links

Carrier expands Saudi trade links

What started as an invention to control humidity in a US printing plant in 1902 has forever changed the way people in Saudi Arabia and around the world live, work and play.
It recently marked the 110th anniversary of the invention of modern air conditioning by Willis H. Carrier, inventor and founder of Carrier, a leader in high technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions and a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp.
In Saudi Arabia, the development of air conditioning has enabled business and day-to-day life to thrive. “Over the years, Carrier’s innovations looked to make possible what was previously impossible,” said Geraud Darnis, president & CEO, UTC Climate, Controls & Security.
“Today our focus remains true to our heritage as we continually push the envelope to create energy efficient, environmentally responsible products for both commercial and residential applications in all areas of the world.”