Complaint redressal for consumers

Complaint redressal for consumers
Updated 23 October 2012

Complaint redressal for consumers

Complaint redressal for consumers

This is in reference to the story, “New consumer protection penalties soon,” (Oct. 22). It was heartening to learn that new penal regulations are being drafted to enhance protection for the consumers in the Kingdom.
There is an influx of substandard goods in the market. We often find fake consumer items including household items, mobile instruments, and even cars. It is difficult to distinguish between a genuine product and a fake one. The consumers don’t have any easy means to register complaints. Moreover, the manufacturers and the agents find ways and pretexts to disqualify any replacement, repair or maintenance requests during the period of warranty.
Besides having a stricter regulatory regime and heavy penalties like SASO standards etc., there should be an easy method to redress the consumer grievances. It will be ideal to set up an independent commission with all powers and authorities and it should be easily accessible to citizens and residents who could approach it in any city, town or village.
As is the custom in many countries, the commission should issue guidelines both for the manufacturers and the traders notifying them about their obligations toward the customers and educate the consumers about their rights. — Safi H. Jannaty, Dammam