Contributions of expatriates

Contributions of expatriates
Updated 06 October 2012

Contributions of expatriates

Contributions of expatriates

This is in response to the article “We bring the expatriates then complain about them” by Abdulateef Al-Mulhim. Kudos to Al-Mulhim for his article. Finally, at least and at last, one true man brought out the truth of toiling expatriates. His expression about expatriates has really moved our hearts and gave an impetus to go further and stand by the side of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia come what may. Though, he has expressed many things, here, I would like to illustrate only one point. I am in the Kingdom for the past 30 years working in Dammam, Eastern Province. When Kuwait was overrun by Iraq and Americans attacked Iraq, many nationals ran away from the scene and stayed far away in Jeddah fearing the frightening fight. The whole area was deserted despite the fact that Saudi Arabia had made all the defensive measures protecting the inhabitants. However, I stayed only in Dammam steadfast never moving from my place.
I appreciate Al-Mulhim’s openness and frank expression. Truth can never be hidden, even if hidden, it definitely will surface one or the other day. — Mohideen, Dammam