Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) has signed an agreement with the world supplier of m2m, Jasper, to support business sector. This agreement allows Mobily to increase its multi-device wireless efficiency and reduce the time and cost the process needs, according to a press release received here yesterday. Jasper will be the applications provider to such advanced technology to enhance GPRS, electronic devices, and building remote-control systems.
Mobily's CBO, Marwan Al-Ahmadi, stressed that the Mobily focuses on innovating new services and technology to meet business sector’s needs. He added that this agreement will help in reducing time and ownership cost as it facilitates operations through automated systems. Hence, we are pleased with this international agreement with such company that has positive partnership with global companies such as AT&T, Spanish Telefónica, and Rogers.
Cindy Patterson, Jasper chief revenue officer, said that the Mobily’s rapid growth in the region allows us to explore new investment channels of m2m devices, which has demands in Saudi automobile sector. She added that this cooperation with Mobily support the new car making trend of linking the regional car dealers and service centers with internet network as Jasper would be the applications provider.
Mobily is also aiming at increasing business sector revenue to support two main pillars of its GED Strategy; growth, and differentiation. Hence, Mobily continually works on enhancing this vital sector through the innovation of creative and modern services.
Mobily signs m2m deal with Jasper
Mobily signs m2m deal with Jasper