GPC: Saleh has no role

GPC: Saleh has no role
Updated 26 April 2015

GPC: Saleh has no role

GPC: Saleh has no role

Saudi Arabia has banned its citizens from traveling to war-ravaged Yemen, especially through the borders, for safety reasons.
Saudis may be targeted by Houthi rebels or ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s militias in Yemen, sources have been quoted by a local publication as saying.
Meanwhile, sources said the secretary-general of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) would meet, in nine days, with General People’s Congress (GPC) leader Saleh to discuss ways to resolve the crisis.
An official, who attended the first meeting of GCC Secretary-General Abdul Latif Al-Zayani with Yemeni parties in Riyadh, said the GPC leaders said that there is no place for Saleh in the political field in Yemen.
The official said a statement will soon be issued by the members confirming their support for President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
Earlier, Al-Zayani and Assistant Secretary-General for Security Affairs Brig. Gen. Hazza Al-Hajri met with a number of Yemeni parties to discuss the resumption of political process in Yemen.
Mummar Al-Aryani, member of the standing committee of GPC, said the leadership has conveyed to the GCC its support for the legitimate government in Yemen.
Saleh had recently called on all conflicting parties to stop fighting and return to dialogue in all provinces, demanding the release of all the prisoners and hostages.
In another development, Houthi militias snatched fuel from local residents in Aden and Taiz for their military vehicles. Yemeni cities have turned into ghost towns because of fuel shortages. According to sources, Saleh and Houthi militias have mobilized forces in the Al-Huwailen region, east of Taiz, reinforcing the military with tanks on the west side in a bid to storm the city.