We can no longer suffer the disturbing pictures and the noises of the screaming women and children that keep emanating from Gaza. Yet, the re-elected American president has reiterated his old stand “no country on earth’ would tolerate rockets.”
Everybody knows that Israel is an illegitimate country created out of the Palestinians’ land. The partition left a very small part of territory for them. This is besides Israel’s unabated occupation of the whatever land remains with the Palestinians by means of wars and a policy of settlement expansion, which is illegal and is against all international norms.
This problem was started by the United Kingdom and followed by others including your own country, the United States. And therefore, it is your responsibility to resolve it and stop the killing of the Palestinians. Israel is the only nation in the world that uses missiles to kill individuals, by calling terrorists.
Mr. president, the screaming noise of the mothers and kids of Gaza following the brutal attack by Israel is older than your age.
For how long will you keep betraying the world on the flimsy pretext Israel’s national security?
You have attacked Iraq and others to comply UN resolution passed by the UN Security Council, but what about the UN resolutions passed by the Security Council, which Israel has still not complied?
Forget about us. When would you consider the words of world leaders including former President Jimmy Carter?
Carter had said in an interview some years back when asked about the contribution of both parties in the never-ending conflict: “The basic cause of the conflict is sustained occupation of other people’s land. This is a direct violation of United Nation’s resolutions, this is a direct violation of international road map, this is a direct violation of commitments that leaders of Israel have made in the past in Camp David when I was president and in Oslo promising that Israel withdraw from occupied territories. They have failed to do so.” If we look at history we will find that Israeli brutality in Palestine makes the Zionist country an unmatched, unparalleled terrorist in the world. — Abdunnassir Odungat, Alkhobar