Groom youth to shape Kingdom’s future: Al-Zaid

Groom youth to shape Kingdom’s future: Al-Zaid
Updated 30 May 2012

Groom youth to shape Kingdom’s future: Al-Zaid

Groom youth to shape Kingdom’s future: Al-Zaid


Shaping the youth can be done successfully by building our human resources and new education system, says Ali Al-Zaid, chairman of the board of directors of Saudi Real Estate Company (Al-Akaria). As a core real estate expert, Al-Zaid has 30 years of international experience in the field of design, construction and property consultancy.

Al-Zaid, a qualified civil engineer having graduated from University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran in 1976, believes that Saudi generations are qualified enough to work in highly paid jobs. During his interview with Diana Al-Jassem of Arab News, Al-Zaid mentioned the importance of boosting education in Saudi universities because Saudis are smart and can do a great job.

Al-Zaid stated that Saudi market could be developed rapidly with the boosting of SMEs and developing techniques in company management, business expansion strategy, administration, financial performance and technical operations.

Rapid change
What, in your opinion, are changes that would have major impact on the lives of Saudis within the coming twenty years?
Two main important steps we should take in the coming twenty years. First step is to develop pending projects. We want Saudis to be in charge of all development projects, create projects, design and manage them. The next step we are required to take is to educate youth and train them how to be qualified to get jobs. Actually, we need to increase job opportunities in order to receive the huge number of graduated Saudis. Latest statistics show that during the coming twenty years, the Saudi labor market will need about five million job opportunities. However, I expect Saudis to be more involved in careers. From my point of view, I prefer Saudis to work in higher paid and knowledge-based jobs to contribute to the national and world economy. I also expect the minimum wage of the Saudi citizen to be increased so that they can be attracted to services such as transport and health in order to facilitate the lifestyle of Saudis. We have the best political environment, proper resources and young generation that can shape the future. We have to shape the new generation to shape our future.

Role of leadership
What do you think of the executives' roles regarding organizations in the Kingdom? What are the factors/reasons for their current state?
We need more first class executives in many public and private organizations. We look for new capable leaders that can shape the future and develop the country with great principles and vision. In fact, this issue is one of the major challenges we are facing, especially in the private sector. Despite that the government sector has a lot of development projects; they still have shortages in terms of qualified managers. We have many ongoing projects that cost more than SR400 billion and some of these projects are still pending. I think a major reason is that the government agencies don't have experienced mangers and engineers who can push these projects. Today we have 250,000 engineers in Saudi Arabia, only 3,000 of them Saudis. Qualified engineers constitute only 2-3 percent. Unfortunately, Saudis prefer to leave engineering positions and work in management positions as they look for better pay and better work environment. To solve this problem, we need to make engineering an attractive career by raising the engineers' work status.

Challenging tasks
What are the most difficult decisions that need to be taken and implemented in the Kingdom within the coming twenty years?
Difficult decisions become easier if you have good vision. For example, building of the Saudi education system is considered a decision that government has to take. I think the government has already realized the importance of building human resources. That's why they allocated 25 percent of the Kingdom's budget for education. In addition, they have launched a new project for building massive universities. I believe that investing in human resources could benefit us locally and internationally. I would love to see Saudi workers in GCC countries.

Sustainable development
What goals would you set for the Kingdom's further development? And how could these goals be achieved through your current position?
As an engineer my goal is to handle sound projects with the lowest cost, high standards, and easily operational. This could save a lot of money, ensure best performance and provide customers' needs. As a real estate expert, I suggest that the real estate sector should partner with all other sectors like education, health, malls, and many other areas. Each expert has to focus on his core business and work as a partner with other sectors. Such cooperative work will definitely benefit Saudis.
Creative project
Give me an example of the most creative project that you wish to launch in the Kingdom.
I wish to build a project that will create a new lifestyle for Saudis. Such a project can inspire Saudis to do some serious thinking toward contributing their best for the development of the country and the world.

KSA in three words
What three words would you use to describe the Kingdom within the coming twenty years, and why these 3 chosen words?
Great religion.
Great leadership.
Great people.
Regarding the Kingdom's officials, what characteristics do you think are important for such individuals? How would such characteristics contribute to the Kingdom's ongoing and future development?
I prefer officials to have knowledge that has a mix of education and experience. In fact, wisdom and dedication to the country's objectives are the main characteristics that each official has to have.

What are the most prominent economic activities in the Kingdom? What are the neglected sectors that need to be developed?
Oil is the most attractive business for many businessmen. I think SMEs comes second in the ranking of economic

Housing growth
There is a huge demand for housing in the Kingdom because of rising young population. The government has also put emphasis on this sector as it allocated SR 250 billion in this budget for housing. Do you believe housing sector needs much attention from the government and private sector?
Housing is a challenge in many countries. What the government has done is great. They have made a huge budgetary allocation to develop housing projects. The Ministry of Housing recently tried to enlarge their services to benefit from the SR 250 billion allocation. From my experience, I can ensure that the housing budget is enough to build more than 500,000 units. However, five major challenges are facing the Kingdom in terms of housing growth:

1. Land (cost, infrastructure, utilities, clear deed).
2. Finance
3. Regulations
4. Technical Services (engineering, contracting, building materials, construction cost)
5. Affordability.

Role of SMEs
What role do you see for SMEs in the Kingdom's economic development?
About 70-80 percent of the Kingdom's GDP comes from SMEs while 80 percent of SMEs work for large corporations. It is well known that SMEs present a great opportunity for doing business and creating jobs. To make a success of SMEs, we need management, marketing, technology, development, mentoring, and finance to work in coordination with each other. To make the SMEs sector successful we need to have management, marketing, technology, mentoring, research and development plus finance.

Knowledge hunt
Education is always a priority of the Saudi government. What changes you envisage in the education system to qualify Saudi youth in the knowledge-based economy?
We have to change our education system and develop universities to inspire students and hone their skills just like Saudi students who study abroad.

Fair opportunities
How do you see Saudi women's contribution in labor, social and political areas within the coming twenty years? And what's required for Saudi women to shape their future careers?
I am proud of Saudi women. They make exceptional contributions to improve our life. We should work to enlarge their contribution without crossing our religious values.

Saudi media
What measures and standards are yet to be (and must be) applied to Saudi media? And what are your expectations in the next twenty years?
Our media has to be part of the message they carry. Our media should give a message and not merely echo other voices. In terms of journalism, specialist editors have to work in different sections at newspapers. They can do professional work with accurate information. Those who write on economy should be experts in economy.

Social media
What impact has social media on the Kingdom's traditional media?
Social media is growing fast, and it will take a lot of audience from traditional media. I believe that players of traditional media have to keep their message and mission alive despite competition with social media.

Learning from the past
What are three or four mistakes that have been repeated in the Kingdom during the past ten decades? And how we could eliminate these mistakes in order to develop the Kingdom?
With the fast development that Saudi Arabia has gone through, it is normal to have some mistakes. The most important thing is to learn from these mistakes.

Message to youth
Given that youths make up the majority of the Saudi population, what message would you want conveyed to them? And what else would you say to the rest of the population?
God has gifted this country. So I ask Saudis to be grateful for such gifts. I wish our new generations will live a better life than ours.

Major changes:

• Saudis should operate the Kingdom's projects
• Education and training for the youth

Leadership role should focus on:

• New capable mangers that can shape the future

Difficult decisions relate to:

• Building of Saudi human resources.
• Saudis should work in GCC countries

Major goals to develop the Kingdom:
n Handle sound projects with the lowest cost and highest standards

Describing the Kingdom in three words:

• Great religion.
• Great leadership.
• Great people.

Requirements for housing development:

•  Major challenges facing the Kingdom in terms of housing

Role of SMEs:

• Creating jobs for Saudis
• Adopting new management systems with new techniques

Education needs:

• Develop a stronger an efficient curriculum to boost education

About Saudi women:

• Women's contribution is great

Mistakes should be avoided by

• Learning from our mistakes and working for the future

Message to youth:

• Saudis should be grateful for God's gifts