Life in America

Life in America
Updated 11 November 2012

Life in America

Life in America

This refers to the recent US elections that re-elected Barack Obama simply because America, like any nation, will always only get the leaders it deserves. The Republicans did not lose because of constituencies or demographics, or Barack Obama. It lost because of the liberal values it advocated for.

The problem is us. The problem is abortion, public schools, a rotting pop culture, modernism in the Catholic Church, divorce and homosexual "marriage." America is a Christian nation. Out of fear and sheer desperation, most Americans threw their hats in the ring for a Mormon, big government-backing, sometimes pro-life, moderately pro-gay rights candidate. Even by John F. Kennedy's standards, Mitt Romney is a rabid liberal who would not have altered the course for America.

We need something more. Much more! 2000 years ago, a lone soldier with his metaphorical armor shining beneath the moon, galloped through the land. Where hooves thunder, the ground became alive with sprouts and tendrils, and bare trees started to bud, and grasses to blossom, the power of nature exploding into life.

This soldier was able to rally the people to rediscover what is best in men. Today we need that soldier once more to inspire the masses to defend what was, and the dream of what could be once more. — Paul Kokoski, Ontario, Canada