Memorandum presented to Air India manager

Memorandum presented to Air India manager
Updated 28 June 2012

Memorandum presented to Air India manager

Memorandum presented to Air India manager

Arif Quraishi, president of the Indian Cultural Society and Bazm-e-Osmania, Jeddah, and members of the two groups met with Pravin Mistry, Air India manager western region, Jeddah, to highlight the issues of passengers traveling on the Hyderabad-Jeddah-Hyderabad route on the national carrier.
They presented a memorandum to the Air India manager, who also asked passengers support in allowing for on-time departures here.
“All Air India passengers should report at least four to five hours ahead of the departure time to facilitate on-time departure. But, invariably, many prefer to come just before the flight is closed, creating a logjam and hence delaying flights,” Mistry said on the issue of delayed flights.
He also said that passengers have been allowed 40 kgs in addition to 10 liter Zam Zam can for flights leaving for Hyderabad. But baggage allowance is only 30 kgs for flights coming to Kingdom from Hyderabad. “The exact baggage limits are printed on the tickets and the passengers should note this,” he added.
Mistry assured the members that their suggestions and feedback would be conveyed to the Air India authorities for necessary action.