MoH in awareness drive for vacationers

MoH in awareness drive for vacationers
Updated 04 July 2012

MoH in awareness drive for vacationers

MoH in awareness drive for vacationers

The Ministry of Health (MoH) yesterday launched a massive summer awareness campaign through electronic channels to educate people who leave their homes to local and international destinations for the holidays.
The program, which is themed as “Enjoy your holidays and come back safely to the Kingdom,” has been designed to capture a large number of viewers through popular cartoon characters.
The awareness program highlights the health problems people face during their summer holidays. The program encourages the viewers to take special care with food, while playing in parks or swimming pools, and in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
It advises people about the prevention of road accidents, adhering to a balanced diet and physical exercises, prevention of drug abuse, and safe use of electronic devices among children.
Parents are urged to directly supervise their children when they use electronic toys and devices for leisure. The campaign will last for three weeks throughout the Kingdom and target both men and women.