This is in reference to the letter castigating India and its intelligence agencies. As far as the claim of the former Indian officer is concerned, his statements and affidavit have yet to be verified and investigated, considering this could be politically motivated. Even if we assume that the statements are correct, there is still no doubt about the involvement of the ISI and Pakistan-sponsored terrorists in these attacks, considering the evidence available in the public domain and the fact all the attackers were Pakistani nationals. The only possibility, if one is to believe your claim, is that both the governments shook hands and coordinated these attacks.
At least Indian media and public are bold and honest enough to let this come out in public unlike Pakistani government, media and public who are always in the state of denial and blame others for their misdeeds and problems. It is well known that Pakistan-sponsored terrorists who are financed to create problems in India have destroyed Pakistan. The proverb “you reap what you sow” perfectly applies to Pakistan.
The letter writer, however, forgot to mention Pakistan’s failures at international forums, including at UN to prove India’s involvement in creating problems in Balochistan. This fact can be independent verified. — Shams Contractor, by e-mail
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