Holders of ‘bogus’ degrees listed

Holders of ‘bogus’ degrees listed
Updated 27 July 2013

Holders of ‘bogus’ degrees listed

Holders of ‘bogus’ degrees listed

The Ministry of Higher Education has furnished ministries and governmental departments with new lists of employees who obtained post-graduate degrees from bogus universities.
In a circular addressed to one ministries, the ministry warned that those employees should be strictly banned from benefiting from any job privileges or academic titles unless the universities, which have issued the degrees, are recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.
The ministry said it had received information that some of employees at key posts received their degrees from universities not accredited globally or locally.
Awarding degrees from academically poor universities will have adverse impact on the path of general education and on higher education, the ministry said.
The list reportedly contained employees holding the posts of “general managers,” “former mayors,” key pensioners and on-the-job officials.
Meanwhile, some of the ministries have begun scrutinizing degrees of their employees at top managerial posts who were included in the lists of the Ministry of Higher Education, in a step aimed to prevent passing fake certificates and punish their holders if proved they exploited such certificates to get higher posts and promotions.
The ministries have also taken measures to prevent the “infiltration” of fake certificates to their employees, notably those holding key posts.
The ministries also issued internal memos on not accepting any graduate degrees. The honorary degrees shall not be entitled for promotion unless approved by the Accreditation Department at the Ministry of Higher Education, according to the paper.