Security threat to India

Security threat to India
Updated 07 August 2013

Security threat to India

Security threat to India

Five Indian soldiers were killed by Pakistani soldiers at Chakan da Bagh area on the Indian side of border on Tuesday. We as Indians must condemn all such cowardly attacks and intrusions from our neighboring country. We express our heartfelt condolences to the families of our soldiers. Lok Sabha was adjourned thrice over the issue. Some people have taken to streets condemning this dastardly attack against Indian soldiers. I feel this is high time we revisited our foreign policy. As a democratic country it is the duty of the government and political parties to reach a consensus on every issue, including foreign policy, which is never done.
Through my letter, I want to draw the attention of all concerned that we have two potential threats at our borders — one at western border with Pakistan and other with China at our eastern borders. But when such attacks are carried out by Chinese troops, our reaction is always muted. I have never seen any adjournment in the Parliament nor the public resentment is so strong! I wonder why? It’s a fact that any aggression or attack from Pakistani side takes place when both countries gear up to restart bilateral talks in an effort to improve their relations. I believe this is deliberate attempt divert attention from some important political issues in both countries. Our mutual dispute is mainly over Kashmir while with China we have much more important territorial disputes. Is not China the biggest threat to the country’s integrity? It is advancing inch by inch in our territories almost every week and we do not talk about it. Why do we adopt double standards in reacting to similar threats? How long will keep reacting on communal lines and not in the national interest? — T.A. Rehmani, by e-mail