The gloomy world!

The gloomy world!
Updated 19 August 2013

The gloomy world!

The gloomy world!

What is happening in the world? Why can’t there be peace on this planet? Why do we have to fight for each and everything under the sun? If there are no ethnic, religious or sectarian disputes, we human fight for natural resources. Is that what being human is all about? Fighting, killing, plundering! Read any newspaper or switch to any news channel, the printed or spoken words will paint a very gloomy picture of the world, we live in. All across the globe, each and every country and region has its own sets of problems. When we examine the issues, in most of the cases, they are man-made. We, the majority, have become hostage to the diabolic designs of a handful.
Egypt is making headlines in world press these days. Whatever is happening in Egypt is usually described mainly in two paradigms. I believe there is a third approach that if adopted, can help solve many issues around the globe i.e. a humanistic approach. Perhaps, when the haze of confusion is settled, tempers cease to run high and a semblance of normality returns to Egypt; then only this approach would prevail. Man is killing man, for what? For power! I, as a human being and as a Muslim, urge all the parties in Egypt to refrain from violence. Violence has never solved any issue. Stop fighting one another lest somebody else attack you. It is unfortunate that we have become so used to fighting that even on the social media, instead of discussing the pros and cons, we are hurling abuses at our opponents and critics. It is high time we started thinking about peace and ways to resolve issues in a peaceful manner. — Muhammad Azlan, Riyadh