Eighty students at King Faisal Air Academy in Riyadh graduated on Tuesday at an event sponsored by Crown Prince Salman, deputy premier and minister of defense.
The prince was accompanied by Prince Muqrin, second deputy premier, Prince Salman bin Sultan, deputy defense minister, Gen. Hussein Al-Qubail, chief of staff, and other officials including Lt. Gen. Fayyad Ruwaili, air force commander; Maj. Gen. Ali Al-Hamad, a pilot and commander at the academy.
In a speech, Al-Hamad said the students had graduated academically and militarily and praised their performance. Abdul Aziz Ahmad Al-Fawzan, a graduate who spoke on behalf of the students, thanked Prince Salman for providing them the support and training to take up posts in the military.
Prince Salman handed out prizes to the students and a group of Green Hawks aircraft flew in formation over the area.
80 students graduate from King Faisal Air Academy
80 students graduate from King Faisal Air Academy