JEDDAH: The Saudi Supreme Judicial Council has decided to set up trial offices for traffic violations and accidents next to facilities where women are detained. This initiative aims to expedite their trial in cases of accidents and traffic violations.
It falls under the myriad measures and initiatives adopted by the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Judicial Council that aim to speedily examine various cases in general and women’s cases in particular, as well as to empower women in the judicial field.
The judicial measures and initiatives supporting women included granting the mother her right to be the guardian of a child under her custody.
This will make it easy for a woman to visit the Civil Status Bureau, Passports Department, embassies, education administrations and other pertinent authorities to prove that her family is eligible for social security.
Saudi Arabia to set up trial courts near women facilities
Saudi Arabia to set up trial courts near women facilities

- The lifting of the ban on women driving marks a milestone for women in Saudi Arabia
- Saudi women are on the roads and steering their way through busy city streets freely for the first time