Video shows German paramedic punching Syrian refugee’s face

German newspaper Bild reported that the paramedic had been fired, while the police officers present during the incident were being investigated. (Screenshot/Bild)
German newspaper Bild reported that the paramedic had been fired, while the police officers present during the incident were being investigated. (Screenshot/Bild)
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Updated 12 March 2021

Video shows German paramedic punching Syrian refugee’s face

German newspaper Bild reported that the paramedic had been fired, while the police officers present during the incident were being investigated. (Screenshot/Bild)
  • Police were present during the assault

LONDON: A newly released video shows a paramedic in Germany appearing to punch a strapped-down Syrian refugee in the face, breaking his cheekbone.

German police said they detained the Syrian following an alcohol-fueled attack at a refugee shelter.

However, surveillance footage showed that the refugee was later attacked by a paramedic, with several police officers present.

German newspaper Bild reported that the paramedic had been fired, while the police officers present during the incident were being investigated.

The attack took place in the central city of Kassel late last year. Police made records of the incident, but did not mention the punch.

The Syrian man, known as Amar H, was alleged to have emptied a fire extinguisher at a refugee shelter before collapsing on the floor.

Once police arrived, he used a ladder to threaten officers and spat at them after being pepper-sprayed, police reported.

He continued to resist officers throughout his arrest, police added, before he was later detained and handed several charges, including attacking emergency workers.

But the new footage has undermined official police records of the incident.

One police officer near the paramedic can be seen looking on as the punch occurs, while another officer walks around the paramedic following the punch, choosing not to confront him.

Amar H’s lawyer filed complaints against the paramedic and police after his client’s broken cheekbone was discovered.

Adnan Aykac said police were “downplaying” the punch, adding further insult to the refugee’s injury.

Prosecutors said an investigation into the incident was ongoing.

The paramedic was summarily dismissed after the allegations surfaced, an employer said, adding that his actions were “incompatible with the values of our aid organization.”