Evernex aims to help companies reduce carbon footprint 

Evernex aims to help companies reduce carbon footprint 
Mohamed Bella is the Managing Director Middle-East & Africa at Evernex.
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Updated 06 December 2021

Evernex aims to help companies reduce carbon footprint 

Evernex aims to help companies reduce carbon footprint 

In 2018, four percent of worldwide carbon emissions came from digital activities. At our current rate of expansion, this will grow to eight percent by 2025. Manufacturing of IT hardware such as cell phones, laptops, servers are major contributors of increasing carbon footprint.   

Life cycle analysis shows that raw material extraction and manufacturing represents 40 to 80 percent of the total CO2 emissions for a piece of equipment.  

As businesses refine their processes to reduce their total carbon footprint, sustainable IT practices will form a key part of every company’s Corporate Social Responsibility and overall drive to carbon-zero.

In addition to reducing their consumption, companies need to find ways to extend the life of their equipment and help reduce the demand for new assets. One way institutions and companies are already moving to a more sustainable IT strategy is by extending their IT equipment lifespan through maintenance rather than hardware refreshment.

Evernex Saudi Arabia, a subsidiary of the global independent IT Life Services company Evernex, is one company helping others reduce their impact by extending the life of IT equipment through maintenance, preventing the need for the manufacture of new assets. 

Repairing helps slow the cycle of production within the IT industry. It reduces the demand for new raw materials and prevents carbon emissions that come from equipment production. 

Evernex currently maintains over 360,000 IT systems in more than 165 countries and has a global network of 45 offices. With over 2,000 clients in the Kingdom, it is a major contributor to bringing sustainable solutions to IT and the preferred maintenance partner for multinational companies looking for both engagement and expertise.