JEDDAH, 25 June — Reservation for the 7th computer literacy training for Filipinos in Jeddah and nearby towns is going on. Organized by the OFW Cooperative Council (OFWCC) in cooperation with the Philippine Consulate General/Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), the training will be held for five successive Fridays starting June 29. OFWCC spokesman Fred Castolome said the training sessions, lasting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., are free of charge except for certain minimal expenses that participants will have to share. On June 29, participants will be taught Windows 98. This will be followed by Microsoft Word 2000 on July 6, MS Excel on July 13, and MS Power Point on July 20, and the Internet on July 27. The August 2 session will deal on computer assembly, with the first part consisting of a lecture on concepts and theories, and actual assembling in the second part. Castolome said additional advance training programs such as Advance MS Excel, MS Access Programming, Graphics Design and Illustrator will be announced during the graduation ceremonies. The trainings will be conducted by a pool of experts from the OFWCC, led by Rudy Carillo. Interested parties may contact OWWA Welfare Officer Mustafa Glang at telephone no. 667-0934, or OFWCC officers Jibreel de Vera at tel. no. 670-5420, Dawood Engay at 639-3041, Wenifred Castolome at 667-7769 or Leo Trijo at 682-8338. (A.N.)