No precise statistics about the Muslim population in Britain are available. However, it should be several millions. Unfortunately, though of large number, they have not succeeded in making their presence felt in the decision-making bodies of the country. Except a member each in both the houses, after the 1996 elections, there has not been any representation of their community in the British Parliament. Jews dominate all important political and non-political bodies in the country despite their numerical inferiority.
We should make a serious effort to identify the causes of the conspicuous absence of Muslim and Arab representation in the European Union countries.
The Muslim communities have carried over their disputes over theological points to their countries of adoption and always have tried to maintain their separate identities within the religion. They have failed to close the ranks because of their zealous adherence to sectarian divisions. Each one of them believes that his sect is in the right and others are heretics and fights to eliminate them. They should have learned from Christians and other religious groups who unite on common issues despite the differences on dogmas. They organize dialogues and discussions in order to keep them united to fight against outside threats and common enemies. On the other hand, I am not aware of the presence of any higher coordinating body among the numerous Muslim groups in Britain. If there were such a body, it would have served as a filter against the leaking of damaging reports about the Muslim community to the British media.
I have also noted that the methods adopted by certain Muslim groups to take the message of Islam to the British community are not suited for the modern world. I appreciate the style adopted by the British Muslim and former pop singer Yousuf Islam to preach Islam through songs which carry the basic message of Islam. You cannot invite a people to Islam in a manner they cannot understand or appreciate. The Muslim insistence on rejecting the modern developments is as harmful as allowing oneself to be carried away by the present-day principles of liberalization.
One of the most commendable features of modern European culture is its total dedication to scientific research. It also underscores a disciplined and committed way of life in any field or profession. On the other hand, one of the most dangerous aspects in the European way of life is the unrestricted freedom offered by its materialist outlook to seek pleasure without regard to moral principles. Another difficulty with Western culture is its dogmatic tenacity with which they refuse to recognize the Muslim communities living amidst them. While retaining their rituals the Jews could win the admiration of the Western society and benefit from its scientific and technological advancement.
Publication of newspapers or magazines by the Muslim organizations in the West will be an effective way to familiarize Europeans with the noble principles of Islam and portray a real picture of true Islam to the Western public. In order to build a bridge between the two cultures the services of recognized Western journalists and writers, who are familiar with Arab culture and sympathetic to the Arab cause, can be made use of. Such efforts will, indeed, serve as a major step toward taking the Arab and Muslim voice into the heart of British society. BBC’s recent feature on Sharon, “the Accused” is a sign of the opening up of the Western media.