KANDAHAR, 12 October — Afghan supreme leader Mulla Muhammad Omar said war will continue even if he is killed in the US assault. “My death will not be the end of war as all Afghan tribes are with me and they will carry on the war endlessly,” Omar said speaking to Al-Majallah, a sister publication of Arab News.
Replying to a question why he did not surrender Osama Bin Laden to end the crisis, Omar said, “There is no conclusive evidence to hold Bin Laden responsible for the recent terrible events in the United States. Neither Osama nor any Muslim government, for that matter, has the power to carry out such a devastating attack. I believe that they (the masterminds of the terror attacks) are from US itself.”
Islamic values do not permit the surrender of Osama who participated in our jihad against the Soviet Union. He spent his wealth for the same cause like the other Muslim guests present here. They will enjoy our hospitality as long as they abide by our regulations and traditions,” he said.