Unfair policies

By Afaf Ali, Special to Arab News
Publication Date: 
Fri, 2001-10-19 03:00

No person can help feeling sorry for the innocent people who have been and are being killed. The people killed in the attack on the World Trade Center in New York as well as those in the hijacked planes and now the miserably poor Afghani people as well. It is high time for America to look into why attacks of terrorism happen and how they can be avoided instead of only how to retaliate and thus spurring additional anger and reasons for future terrorist attacks.

America has long promoted the fact that it is the most powerful, indestructible and never-vulnerable nation. It did not care to establish itself in people’s minds as a fair nation. It has over and over showed off its power and abilities through the media.

Whether in real life or in fantasy in American movies, people around the world followed American strikes against the less powerful in bloody battles. The right judgment is always only that of America because it is the strongest. The other party’s views and rights are not considered.

America has always adopted a double standard. It has never set a good example of what it preaches. Perfect democracy is not merely the will of the majority but only exists when the views and rights of the minority are considered and respected along with those of the majority. Of course, the minority here is not terrorists but the people the terrorists claim to speak for.

Terrorists are absolutely condemned for the way they choose to pass their message. Their methods are uncivilized, violent, disastrous and kill many innocent people. But America is now retaliating against Afghanistan and thousands more innocent people are being killed — all because America wants one man or group of men. How civilized is this? America is not only unable to set an example of self-restraint but is also unable to learn the lessons from the recent past. This policy of killing innocent people has never proven a success in the past. For 10 years, Iraq has been under attack in order to bring down Saddam Hussein. Many innocent people have been killed and many others have suffered. Yet Saddam is still there and America is ready to kill more innocent people.

On the other hand, Ariel Sharon and his predecessors in occupied Palestine have followed a policy of exterminating Palestinians and have never been called terrorists — at least by the Americans.

In this age of ours, generations have been brought up with the idea that no blood mattered, even one’s own. So the emergence of “commandos” — rather than terrorists — who are willing to attack and be killed for a political cause is, in great part, attributable to American policies and the American media.

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