JEDDAH, 27 January — A Korean electronics giant has introduced a new concept in providing instant and immediate customer service. Called customer information center (CIC), the concept introduced by LG Electronics is aimed at enforcing checks and counterchecks on after-sales service.
According to LG General Manager H.K. Seo, service representatives contact new customers to make sure electronic items installed at their premises meet with all specifications. "All calls are handled in a professional manner and if anything needs to be rectified, immediate action is taken through our distributor service centers. This applies to all of our products," Seo said.
He made these observations to highlight naming of LG as the top manufacturer of airconditioners in the world by Japan Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration News (JARN), an authority on global air-conditioning and refrigeration, in its latest publication. LG is declared No. 1 airconditioning manufacturer for the year 2000 in terms of units manufactured and sold through the year. During 2001, according to industry experts, it sold 4.9 million units. LG’s airconditioners are distributed locally by H.G. Ibrahim Shaker Company, also claims to hold No. 1 position in the Kingdom as an airconditioner manufacturer.
Seo hinted at introducing new and unique airconditioners Kingdomwide during 2002, with features directed toward customer benefits.
LG’s Changwon factory in Korea celebrated achieving manufacture of the company’s 10 millionth unit.
The factory is claimed to be the world’s largest manufacturing facility with a capacity of 30,000 units per day and where 1,000 different models are manufactured.
Its China plant started production in 1997 and achieved a sales figure of 82,000 during the first year, followed by 900,000 in 2001. "This progress speaks of the success of our operations worldwide, as also our huge investments innovative product research and development," Seo said, adding: "LG has expanded its global production strategy to China, the Philippines, Vietnam and Turkey. A new production facility in Brazil is also under way."
Seo said an intensive market survey system had also been initiated, which called for intense activity directed toward product planning in accordance with customer demands and requirements.
"All factors are considered before a product is approved for manufacturing for any specific market, ranging from weather to local tastes and preferences," he added.