International conferences and religious principles

By Dr. Muhammad Al-Awa
Publication Date: 
Thu, 2002-05-09 03:00

Last week we discussed the Muslim participation at the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development. We said that Arab and Islamic countries were able to accept the conference resolutions and recommendations without any need for expressing reservation against any article or subarticle that may be thought to contravene Islamic law or moral principles, because this principle has been reaffirmed in the introduction to the second chapter, entitled Principles.

It stated that "the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the program of action is a sovereign right enjoyed by all states. It should be in line with its national law and development priorities, with full and complete respect of all religious and moral values and cultural background of the people of every state. Moreover, it should also be in full agreement with universally accepted international human rights."

This provision, added to the draft document, was proposed by the Egyptian delegation and seconded by delegations from several Islamic states. Thus the document makes no binding commitment on states already committed to respect the religious faith or beliefs of their peoples to violate such faith or beliefs or adopt measures contrary to their rules.

Some Muslim states expressed reservations concerning some provisions in the second chapter dealing with principles. Their attitude is highly appreciated. However, the reservations are already taken care of in the document itself. As we have explained, the document incorporates a text that considers the sovereignty of each state, its national law, as well as its religious, moral and cultural values the basis of implementation of the document. Furthermore, Chapter 7, Reproduction and Reproductive Health, was the one that caused most controversy. Yet it states in Article 7.1 that, for guidance, it looks up to what is mentioned in Chapter 2, particularly its introduction. This points specifically to the sovereign rights of each state, as we have already mentioned.

Thus, with the additions incorporated in the preamble and Chapters 2 and 7, the document issued by the Cairo conference answers the most important criticism of its original draft. That was the fact that in its original form it omitted the role of religious faith and morality while trying to regulate questions that are closely related to them, or indeed are primarily based on their teachings, as people of faith maintain.

Although the added texts in the preamble and in Chapter 2 ensure that no state need be committed to any measure that is in conflict with the religious beliefs and moral values of its people, some provisions in the draft document were controversial.

Chapter 2 of the draft document outlined a number of recommendations that caused much controversy before the final document was approved. Indeed a number of Muslim states declared their reservations with regard to certain provisions. The most important of these recommendations are concerned with asserting and promoting equality and justice between men and women, consolidating women’s position in society and prevention of all forms of violence against women. (Principle 4)

Principle 9 of Chapter 2, which is devoted to laying down the principles, makes it clear that the family is the basic unit of society and it must be strengthened. It further states that marriage should only be based on free consent of both parties, and that husband and wife are equal.

Equality of men and women, indeed of all mankind, is a basic principle stated in the Qur’an in verses like: "Mankind! We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Truly, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most genuinely God-fearing. God is all-knowing, all-aware." (49: 13) The Qur’an includes an express reference to the equality of man and woman, as God states: "Mankind, fear your Lord, who has created you from a single soul, and from it created its mate, and from the two of them spread abroad so many men and women." (4: 1) It is also stated in a number of authentic Hadiths, one of the best known of which quotes the Prophet as saying: "Mankind! You all descend from Adam; and Adam was created out of clay."

In human history, Islam has taken the lead and the most emphatic stand, among all civilizations, in establishing that women’s rights are the same as men’s rights. Revelations were bestowed from on high stating that: "In accordance with justice, the rights of the wives (with regard to their husbands) are equal to the (husbands’) rights with regard to them." (2: 228)

Because it is in the nature of men to be dictatorial in their treatment of their wives, the Prophet urged men repeatedly to be kind to their wives and to treat them well. He repeatedly said: "Take good care of women." He also stated that men and women stand on the same level: "Women are but the full sisters of men."

Justice is an important Islamic principle that covers all matters concerning life. Making it the cornerstone of the relationship between man and woman is central to the Islamic outlook. Hence, we do not need to have it stated as a recommendation in the conference document or anywhere else. What we need is to implement Islamic values and principles.

In many areas of the world, women do not enjoy an equal or similar position to men, whether socially, politically or economically. Hence, the conference document called for the consolidation of women’s status in society. This phrase was subject to much criticism and raised many objections before the start of the conference.

The fact is that women’s position in Islamic law does not need any consolidation. What is needed is that men’s treatment of women should be corrected so as to be brought in line with Islamic directives and with the provisions of Islamic law. The Qur’an states very clearly that women’s position is exactly the same as men’s position, and that this equality in matters of religion is the same as equality in worldly matters: "Whoever does righteous deeds, whether man or woman, and is a believer, We shall most certainly give a good life. And We shall indeed reward these according to the best of their actions." (16: 97) Regarding the acceptance of people’s good deeds, God states in the Qur’an: "Their Lord answers them: I will not suffer the work of any worker among you, male or female, to be lost. Each of you is an issue of the other." (3: 195)

No counter argument is admissible here on the basis of the well-known Hadith related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim as well as other scholars, describing women as "deficient in reason and religion." What the deficiency in religion stated here means is that the worship women offer are decreased because they are not allowed to pray or offer certain types of worship when they are in their period. Hence a number of Hadith scholars include this Hadith under headings such as: "Reduced reward for reduced acts of obedience to God," or "Increased reward for more acts of obedience to God."

However, when a woman does not offer her worship during her period, she is free from blame because it is not within her power. Moreover, the resulting reduction in her work does not result in a reduction of her reward. It is authentically reported that the Prophet said that when a person is ill or traveling, he is credited with the same acts of worship he normally does when in health and in his hometown. This means that he is credited with the reward of acts of worship he has omitted because of his travel or his illness, and would have done had he been healthy and at home.

The deficiency in women’s reason is a reference to the provisions that require two women witnesses in place of one man witness, and allow a woman witness to be reminded of facts of the case by the other woman witness. This is a privilege given to women over men. When a male witness is found to be inaccurate, or forgetful, or having a bad memory, the judge disqualifies him as a witness. But a woman witness is not similarly disqualified because the other woman may remind her. Thus, this provision gives the woman a privilege and does not show her in an unfavorable position.

As for participation in public affairs, the Qur’an gives the same position to both men and women. One aspect of such participation that receives the strongest emphasis is that outlined by the Islamic principle of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. In this, the Qur’an emphasizes that men and women are equal: "The believers, men and women, are close friends to one another: They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong; they attend to their prayers, and pay their zakah, and obey God and His messenger. It is on these that God will have mercy. Surely, God is almighty, wise." (9: 71)

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