Thank God for independent Television from South America, Europe and Arabia. The US television is sounding more like Stalinist Russia these days.
Just think, the headlines on tonight’s news from satellite television here in the US, are using headlines like; “Israeli attack successful and kills Hamas leader!” Am I nuts, or do you see the incongruency here? Since when you do you use a US F-16 air force jet, with rockets to chase a single criminal, sleeping in a huge multistory apartment building full of innocent sleeping civilians and blow everybody up, to get one criminal? Sounds like old Stalinist Russia, when he would narrow the selection down to a target person, of one of a hundred people and order all one hundred sent to the Gulags. To make sure he got the one he wanted.
You kill 34 innocent civilians and seriously wound around a 174 others, to blow up one man, a criminal?
And our USA television media condones it? Am I living in Stalinist Russia, or what? Where were the Israeli police SWAT team?
Worse though, is that our television media in the USA out of fear, have adopted the line of least resistance and are pushing the administrations viewpoint, instead of working as a check and balance.
Remember Milosevic with his Serbian Army going to build an ancient 400 year Serbian Empire based on some battle against the Turks? He used his army to ethnic cleanse everybody not a Serb? Now we got an Israeli Army run by insane madmen whose avowed aim is to resurrect a Jewish Empire that existed 5000 years ago in the Old Testament. And our USA government is supplying and actually giving free gratis, all the ammunition, jet planes, tanks and weapons to do that in the Middle East as a foreign policy! Are they nuts up in Washington? Or are they insane also, supporting a crazy man’s dream like Ariel Sharon in rebuilding a 5000 year Jewish Empire from the Old Testament in this modern day?
None of this makes any sense to me! Milosevic and his Serbian Army, Ariel Sharon and his Israeli Army, they all seem nuts to me. But how come our USA media are going along for the ride? Why are they not questioning administration policy up in Washington?
What the hell are those people in Washington thinking, that they want to arm and support crazy madmen with 5000 year Old Testament Empire building dreams?
South Africa has broken off with Israel and certainly, if President Bush is a Christian he should break off with Israel too.
But it has been suggested to me that President Bush and the administration are afraid of Israel. They have enough weapons of mass destruction to destroy the world and in particular the US. Nor could the US stop them.
Unlike Arabs, in which there are maybe 30,000 that Immigration can tackle at the borders. What does the US do with a potential fifth column in the US of American born Jewish citizens that number over five and a half million? Of which their split loyalties are American by birth, but Israeli by religious fanaticism.
How can Bush and his administration handle a terror network of Americans of the Jewish religious persuasion that would be a serious fifth column and terror network inside the US? Every American Jewish person is also a dual citizen entitled to Israeli citizenship. How do you deal with that number of five and a half million potential fifth columnists inside the USA? And they are free to travel in and out and smuggle weapons of mass destruction from Israel here.
Over 60,000 Israelis recently paraded in Tel Aviv against the madmen running Israel, that is 2% of the Jewish population of Israel who are against the crazies running their government. Extrapolating that to the US Jewish/Israeli population; that means there are only 110,000 of the 5.5 million Jews born in the US, who would put the interests of the US before the interests of Israel. Frightening thought!
Maybe that is why Bush is afraid of Israel and tolerating this ethnic cleansing and financing it and supplying the weapons. Doesn’t mean our media should go along with it though. Their job, the media, is to bring sanity to a crazy world and situation.
At least the European news, the Latin news and the Arab news are at least questioning and putting fair and balanced reporting. In the US, one has to watch the television news with a deep sense of shame.
There are principles here and we are avoiding them.
Certainly Bush is, and his administration and certainly our US television media is also avoiding their responsibilities.
This fearful media bias has to stop and get more real. You wipe out 200 people with an F-16 and rockets into an apartment building to get one man? Come on give me a break. That is not a successful operation like the headlines say. That is state terrorism. (Belize Trust)