Fox should really get rid of those two professional big mouthed, hot aired, bombastic idiots who pass themselves off as knowledgeable. I'm talking about Fred Barnes and Kondracke.
Those guys are so out of touch with reality, one has to wonder what part of the USA they live in. Down in South Florida, we normally tune them off. But I caught Kondracke commenting on the bombing of the apartment house in Gaza by the Hebrew Legions. What an idiot! Why doesn't he study his history and get his frigging facts straight before shooting off his mouth?
Pat Buchanan said it partially right the other night. The only reason Washington is biased toward Israel, is because of the powerful Israeli lobby. The Palestinians have no lobby.
Kondracke was way off base this evening.
The facts are:
a) Israel planned the invasion and conquest of Sinai, West Bank and Gaza a year in advance and erected a web of disinformation, lies and deception so good that the Israelis fooled Washington and the US intelligence. Johnson and his administration were caught by total surprise in the so called 1967 war which was actually a pre-planned invasion and conquest for expanded territory, land and water rights and acquifers. (source: declassified NSA electronic intercepts of the 1967 war)
In that invasion, conquest and land grab, like the Roman legions before them, the Hebrew legions captured the West Bank and Gaza and the people in it. They evicted most people, but enough stayed behind to be what the Arabs now call occupied territory. Which is the plain factual truth!
b) The Israeli Legions are murdering unarmed Arab citizens of Israel in these "occupied", or conquered territories at the rate of 3 to 1. In other words, Kondracke goes on about Hamas freedom fighters murdering Jewish women and children; but the facts are the Israeli armed Legions, like the Roman Legions before them are murdering unarmed Arab women and children civilians in numbers greater by 300%.
Kondracke should be shocked and appalled at this if he is fair and unbaised! Instead he spouts Israeli propaganda.
In the four crazy wars by the madman Milosevich with his version of the Serbian Empire, this one is no different. Zionism as a 5000 year old dream of resurrecting the Hebrew Empire has been done. Zionism should be dead by now? The job is finished.
Those crazy Zionists, have their country Israel, their language of Hebrew, the Wailing Wall, the Temple of the Mount, it should now be over? What the USA should be insisting on, is that Israel go totally civilized democratic on the style of the Western World.
These captured Arabs, by no fault of their own are citizens of Israel and should have all the rights thereof; which includes the vote and political representation. Since the Zionist crazies in that country (about 80%) will not allow that, then the USA should embargo and blockade Israel. Not giving these crazies the weapons to murder unarmed civilian women and children in the West Bank and Gaza at a ratio of 3 to 1 by the statistics.
Kondracke and Barnes if they want to shoot off their mouth as Israeli propagandists need to register as agents of Israel with the crap they are feeding the American public. Some of us are not so dumb and read the history of the Middle East.
I bet if that apartment building of sleeping women and children had been in Tel Aviv and full of Jews, there would have been no gift from the USA of that F-16 and smart bomb used to blow up that building and everybody in it and the surrounding buildings. The Zionist crazies look on their conquered subjects as vermin.
They even say so on electronic intercepts in the NSA records. This is RACIST APARTHEID policies. And we in the USA should not tolerate it. We should insist that the Zionist lunatics leave the Israeli government and that Israel join the civilized nations of the world and give these Arab citizens the vote and political representation as equal citizens of Israel. Or cut the Israelis off from US money and weapons.
There are what? Six million Jews in Israel, about one million Arabs and if they gave the vote to these other 2.5 million in the West Bank and Gaza, Israel would be a true civilized country in the Western modern sense. Not some 5000 year old resurrrected Hebrew Empire.