It pains whenever reading about a crime or a piece of sensational news being published in the local media. But it really hurts when the papers publish reports of crimes that have been committed in Makkah, Islam’s holiest place.
It is true such reports only speak of isolated cases committed by some who have no respect for the sanctity of the place and who resorted to criminal means to satisfy selfish desires. These individuals do what they do in disregard to the fact that they are living in a city not like any other place on earth. The problem with publishing such news is that whoever reads them may have a wrong first impression thinking that such crimes isolated, as they seem, are of common occurrence and this may reflect negatively on Makkah and its people. Those living far away from the holy city and others not familiar with the religious and spiritual importance of the city may even go further by thinking that Makkah has lost its sacredness and became a haven for crime and moral disintegration.
Makkah is no ordinary city. It was chosen by the Almighty Allah to be the site of His Sacred House and be the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the seal of messengers and the last prophet sent to direct humanity to the right path. It is a place on which two million Muslims converge every year for the annual Haj, millions others come to perform Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) and toward which the entire Muslim population of over two billion turn their faces five times a day for prayer.
When a few individuals listen to Iblis and have Satan lure them, the press portrays the matter as if the whole community has sinned. They do this just to win a scoop. In doing so they tend to forget or ignore the pictures showing millions of the faithful performing tawaf (circumvention) around the Holy Ka’aba or bowing and prostrating themselves in prayer.
Not only that, even the police scramble to have their pictures appearing with the news to prove they are tough and serious in fighting crime.
Arab News From the Local Press 12 January 2003