The vicious campaigns being waged against the Muslim nation have now transcended all boundaries. Not content with their false accusations against Muslims, the organizers of these campaigns have crossed the red line by targeting Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who is being subjected to blasphemous attacks. It is not unusual to see these attacks coming from Orientalists and Western missionaries as they have done throughout history. What is not usual is the seeming inability of the Muslim nation to come to the defense of its Prophet.
Arab money invested in the West amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars. This money could have been used to seek legal advice, using the very legislation in those countries where the attacks originate. It could have been used to solicit the services of law offices all over the world as well as using the media, especially satellite television. If this money is not used to defend Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, when and where and how is it going to be used? Taking firm action against anyone found to blaspheme the Prophet, pbuh, while threatening them with legal action would make those individuals think twice before attempting to commit such an act. The case is simple and clear and could easily be won in court. A wise use of these funds would help introduce true Islam to others, especially Westerners.
It is saddening to see our Prophet, pbuh, being targeted in such a way while the Muslim nation remains too weak to react. It has been paralyzed by fear, helplessness and impotency. The money that cannot achieve a victory, repulse an attack or come to the defense of our faith and identity is counterfeit money. It will turn into a curse, haunting its possessors in this world and in the hereafter.
Defending the Prophet, pbuh, is the duty of every Muslim, especially national leaders and the rich. The Prophet, pbuh, must be held by every one of us in the greatest esteem and should be held dearer to us than our children, our wealth and ourselves. Why then all this betrayal?
If someone attacked the Jews, the attackers would face a relentless and merciless war. Jewish money would be used against them, accusations made and cases brought to court and trial. The attackers, we can be reasonably sure, would be punished, fined and even possibly imprisoned. One keeps wondering about such a contradiction. While the Jews are very proud of their religion and identity and do not hesitate to use every means at their disposal to defend all that is Jewish, the people of Islam hide behind walls for fear of being labeled terrorists while their religion, Prophet and very identity are being attacked.