I never imagined anyone who read an article of mine that appeared a few days ago entitled “Airlines: For families only” would take it seriously.
It was a satirical idea based on a cartoon captioned “Family Panic,” for who would think of establishing an airline for families only?
Some days ago, a Saudi man went with his family to Rawdat Khareem park. He decided to sit in a place very close to the entrance. Instead of spending quality time with his family and children, he stood guard over the garden.
No one objects to the man watching the people come and go to see if anyone is harassing his family. But what is funny is that he decided to sit with his family near the entrance and then claimed the right to protect them by stopping anyone else from entering the park. “Stay away – there is a family over here,” he shouted at anyone who tried to get in.
Sir, it would be easier if you chose a remote area where you and your family could have a little privacy. It would be even easier if you stayed at home altogether, where it is safe and you don’t have to worry that anyone will harass you.
We have a serious problem in this country. It is called family panic. I suggest building a family section in Rawdat Khareem. And I would like to point out that the suggestion is only a joke and should not be taken seriously.