LOS ANGELES, 6 April 2003 — A majority of Americans back the war in Iraq and half reported they would support military action against Iran if it continues to develop nuclear weapons, according to a Los Angeles Times poll released yesterday.
More than 75 percent of 745 adults surveyed said they support the war in Iraq.
But 50 percent said the United Nations, not the United States, should lead the reconstruction effort there.
The vast majority of those who support the war said they would continue to back military intervention, even if allied forces find no evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
Bush’s job approval rating reached 68 percent, the highest level since last summer, according to the poll.
The media’s handling of war coverage received a 61 percent approval rate.
Of those who opposed the war with Iraq, 18 percent said they believed Bush was leading military action “for personal/political reasons”. Nearly as many said the United States “has no business attacking Iraq.”